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Kanye West


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“Heartless” is a song by American hip hop artist Kanye West, released on November 4, 2008 digitally as the second single for his fourth studio album, 808s & Heartbreak. It debuted at the number four spot on the Billboard Hot 100 where it eventually peaked at number two and reached number-one on the Billboard Hot Rap Tracks and U.S. Hot 100 Airplay chart. The song came to be covered by numerous artists, most notably by Denver-based piano rock band The Fray and American Idol season 8 winner Kris Allen, with both versions managing to enter charts in the absence of a physical single release. Heartless is one of the best selling singles of all time, selling 5.5 million digital copies in 2009. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ How could you be so heartless ... Somewhere far along this road he lost his soul ... To a woman so heartless

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More songs by Kanye West (See Charts): Fade, Kanye West, Welcome To Heartbreak, Robocop, Crack Music, Thru The Wire, Street Lights, Flashing Lights, Homecoming, and Love Lockdown.

Popular in Pop (See Charts): Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Man In The Mirror, The Earth Song, Dirty Diana, Speechless, Stranger In Moscow, Another Part Of Me, Heal The World, and Black Or White.


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