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Kanye West


  • Instrumental
  • Hip-Hop
  • Rap
  • Space
  • Pop
song from
  • 2008
  • 2001
  • 1994
  • 2007
  • 2004

“Homecoming” is a song by American hip hop artist Kanye West. It was released as the final single of his third studio album Graduation. It has been released in the UK as a download release and was due to be released as a physical single on 4 February 2008. However, the CD single was cancelled due to downloads starting to decline before the release. It was, however, released on vinyl single on 18 February. “Homecoming” reached Number 9 on the UK Singles Chart on download sales. The song also features vocals by lead singer Chris Martin from Coldplay. He and Kanye met during an impromptu jam session at Abbey Road Studios in 2006. The song serves as a tribute to West’s hometown of Chicago using an extended metaphor that describes the city as a young girl named Wendy. The name Wendy... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Do you think about me now and then ... Cause I'm comin' home again, comin' home again ... I'm comin' home again

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More songs by Kanye West (See Charts): Fade, Kanye West, Welcome To Heartbreak, Robocop, Heartless, Crack Music, Thru The Wire, Street Lights, Flashing Lights, and Love Lockdown.

Popular in Hip-Hop (See Charts): Shut Up, Push It, Without Me, Changes, My Humps, Hey Ya!, When I'M Gone, Let'S Get It Started, Baby Got Back, and Jump Around.


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