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ø 4.1 at 11 votes
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Linkin Park

One Step Closer

Nu Metal
  • Metal
  • Rock
  • Rap
  • Alternative
  • Space
song from
  • 2001
  • 2000
  • 2002
  • 2003
  • 1996

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“One Step Closer” is a song by the American rock band Linkin Park. It was released as the first single and second track of their debut album, Hybrid Theory. This song is also featured in the game Rock Band 2. The track was firstly known as “Plaster”, a supposed demo version of “One Step Closer”. This early version featured Bennington screaming “shut up” in the beginning of the song, as well as during the bridge. The song was successful on the mainstream rock track chart, where it was named the 43rd best performing song of the decade. Read on...

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Most votes come from United States, Czech Republic, Portugal, Belgium, Canada, United Kingdom, Brazil, Serbia, Mexico, and Argentina.


More songs by Linkin Park (See Charts): Lost In The Echo, A Place For My Head, Leave Out All The Rest, [riff Raff], Points Of Authority, Hands Held High, With You, [chali], Technique, and My December.

Popular in Nu Metal (See Charts): Numb, Lying From You, Down With The Sickness, Crawling, Somewhere I Belong, Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle), Papercut, My Way, Boiler, and Qwerty.


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