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System Of A Down

Holy Mountains

Alternative Metal
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  • Other
song from
  • 2005
  • 2001
  • 2011
  • 1998
  • 1989

Alternative video Spotify
“P.L.U.C.K.“ (Politically Lying, Unholy, Cowardly Killers) is the 13th song in the 1998 eponymous first album by the alternative metal band System of a Down. The music was composed by guitarist Daron Malakian and the lyrics were written by singer Serj Tankian. It originally appeared on their first demo tape in 1995, with slightly different lyrics, and it was later recorded on a compilation of Armenian music called “Hye Enk” (We’re Armenian). The song is among the heaviest on the album, beginning with Serj’s deep death growls. Read on...

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Most votes come from Spain, Brazil, United States, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, France, Canada, and Germany.


More songs by System Of A Down (See Charts): Forest, Prison Song, Suite Pee, Atwa, Question!, Radio/video, Spiders, Sugar, Hypnotize, and Lonely Day.

Popular in Alternative Metal (See Charts): Chop Suey!, Toxicity, Slaves & Bulldozers, Spiders, Stellar, Bleed It Out, Stricken, Hands All Over, Prayer, and Darkness.


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