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System Of A Down


Alternative Metal
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  • Space
song from
  • 2001
  • 2002
  • 2006
  • 1922
  • 1998

Alternative video Spotify
“Toxicity” is a single by System of a Down, released in 2002. It was originally released on the Toxicity album (2001). The writing credit for the song is Malakian/Odadjian/Tankian. The music video for the song was directed by bassist Shavo Odadjian. It was shot in Los Angeles, California, and featured people living on the streets of the city displayed on the band members’ torsos as if there was a movie projector displaying the scenes on them. Malakian is also wearing a Los Angeles Kings hockey jersey for most of the video with his last name on the back of his shirt. The final part of the song in the video is reminiscent of the final part of the video for the song Mouth for War by the band Pantera. Although it never achieved the mainstream success of “Chop Suey!“ and... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep ... Disorder, disorder, disorder ... Now, somewhere between the sacred silence

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Most votes come from Spain, Brazil, United States, Mexico, Netherlands, Germany, Argentina, Canada, France, and Uruguay.


More songs by System Of A Down (See Charts): Forest, Prison Song, Atwa, Suite Pee, Question!, Radio/video, Spiders, Sugar, Hypnotize, and Lonely Day.

Popular in Alternative Metal (See Charts): Chop Suey!, Holy Mountains, Slaves & Bulldozers, Spiders, Stellar, Bleed It Out, Stricken, Hands All Over, Prayer, and Darkness.


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