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The Offspring

All I Want

  • Rock
  • Punk
  • Pop
  • Other
  • Space
song from
  • 1997
  • 2011
  • 2000
  • 1998
  • 1995

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“All I Want” is a punk rock song by the Offspring. It is the tenth track on their fourth studio album Ixnay on the Hombre (1997) and was released as the first single from the album in December of 1996. It reached #31 in the UK and #15 in Australia. The song also appears as the fifth track on their Greatest Hits (2005). The song was featured in the video game Crazy Taxi as well as the computer game Jugular Street Luge Racing. The single was also (at 1:55) the shortest single to be released by the band. Read on...

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Most votes come from Spain, and United Kingdom.


More songs by The Offspring (See Charts): Pretty Fly (For A White Guy), Bad Habit, Why Don'T You Get A Job?, The Kids Aren'T Alright, Can'T Repeat, You'Re Gonna Go Far, Kid, Gone Away, Kristy Are You Doing Okay, Self Esteem, and Pretty Fly.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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