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The Prodigy

Invaders Must Die

  • Electronic
  • Dance
  • Trailer
  • Space
  • Other
song from
  • 2009
  • 1994
  • 1997
  • 1984
  • 1990

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Invaders Must Die is the fifth studio album by English electronica group The Prodigy. The album was released on 18 February 2009 on the band’s new label Take Me to the Hospital, and was distributed by Cooking Vinyl. The album was a commercial success, faring better than Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned. In contrast to the commercial performance, critical reaction to the album was mixed. It has spawned four singles, including the title track, “Omen”, “Warrior’s Dance”, and “Take Me to the Hospital”. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Invaders must die ... We are The Prodigy

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Most votes come from Romania, and Germany.


More songs by The Prodigy (See Charts): Baby'S Got A Temper, Voodoo People, Your Love, Their Law, Omen, Breathe, Poison, Smack My Bitch Up, and Firestarter.

Popular in Electronic (See Charts): Computer Love, Idioteque, Oxygene 4, Last Rendez-Vous, Firestarter, Born Slippy, Human Behaviour, Trans Europe Express, Silence (Remix), and Teardrop.


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