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Aphex Twin

Alberto Balsam

  • Electronic
  • Trance
  • Space
  • Rock
  • Techno
song from
  • 1995
  • 2011
  • 1994
  • 1977
  • 1992

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I Care Because You Do is an electronic music album by Richard D. James, under the pseudonym of Aphex Twin. James’ third studio album recorded under this moniker, the album was released on 24 April 1995. The album is quite different from his past acid house, ambient, and general techno pursuits. It features lengthy drum machine loops layered with analogue synthesizers, with occasional string pieces. This album marks the end of James’ first analogue era; his next decade of albums being composed on computers until Analord. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Back seat of my jeep, let's swing an episode ... Back seat of my jeep, let's swing an ep ... What's my name? What's my name

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Most votes come from United States, and Belgium.


More songs by Aphex Twin (See Charts): Blue Calx, Girl/boy Song, Flim, 4, Xtal, and Windowlicker.

Popular in Electronic (See Charts): Computer Love, Idioteque, Oxygene 4, Last Rendez-Vous, Firestarter, Born Slippy, Human Behaviour, Trans Europe Express, Silence (Remix), and Teardrop.


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