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John Williams

Yoda'S Theme

  • Soundtrack
  • Symphony
  • Space
  • Classical
  • Instrumental
song from
  • 1990
  • 1981
  • 1982
  • 1997
  • 1980

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The music of Star Wars consists of the scores written for all six Star Wars films by composer John Williams from 1977 to 1983 for the Original Trilogy, and 1999 to 2005 for the Prequel Trilogy. It includes the music written by Kevin Kiner. More broadly, it also refers to any music that is used to depict the larger Star Wars Universe, which would include music for Star Wars video games and other media. John Williams’ scores for the double trilogy count among the most widely known and popular contributions to modern film music. The scores utilize an eclectic variety of musical styles, many culled from the Late Romantic idiom of Richard Strauss and his contemporaries that itself was incorporated into the Golden Age Hollywood scores of Erich Korngold and Max Steiner. While several obvious... Read on...

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More songs by John Williams (See Charts): Love Theme From Superman, Battle Of The Heroes, Duel Of The Fates, Main Title (Theme From "jaws"), Flying (Theme From "e.t."), Main Title And Mountain Visions, Star Wars (Main Theme), and Cavatina.

Popular in Soundtrack (See Charts): Perfect Day, How Deep Is Your Love, La Valse D'Amelie, Stayin' Alive, Come What May, Blasted Empire, Mad World, Are Friends Electric, Tammy, and Breaking Of The Fellowship.


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