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John Williams


  • Classical
  • Space
  • Musical
  • Instrumental
  • Pop
song from
  • 1979
  • 1978
  • 1973
  • 1980
  • 2001

“Cavatina” is a classical guitar piece by Stanley Myers and is most famous as the theme from The Deer Hunter. The piece had been recorded by classical guitarist John Williams, long before the film that made it famous. It had originally been written for piano but at Williams’ invitation, Myers re-wrote it for guitar and expanded it. After this transformation, it was first used for the film, The Walking Stick (1970). In 1973, Cleo Laine wrote lyrics and recorded the song as “He Was Beautiful” accompanied by John Williams. Following the release of The Deer Hunter in 1978, Williams’ instrumental version of “Cavatina” became a UK Top 20 hit. Two other versions also made the Top 20 the same year - another instrumental recording by The Shadows, with an electric guitar played... Read on...

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More songs by John Williams (See Charts): Love Theme From Superman, Battle Of The Heroes, Yoda'S Theme, Duel Of The Fates, Main Title (Theme From "jaws"), Flying (Theme From "e.t."), Main Title And Mountain Visions, and Star Wars (Main Theme).

Popular in Classical (See Charts): Ode To Joy, Con Te Partiro, Nutcracker, Asturias Leyenda, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Por Ti Volare, Canon, Je Te Veux, Big Stones, and Star Wars (Main Theme).


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