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Nick Drake

Cello Song

  • Folk
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  • Pop
  • Acoustic
song from
  • 1969
  • 1948
  • 2004
  • 2012
  • 1974

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Nicholas Rodney “Nick” Drake (19 June 1948 – 25 November 1974) was an English singer-songwriter and musician. Best known for the sombre pieces composed on his primary instrument, the guitar, Drake was also proficient at piano, clarinet and saxophone. Although he failed to find a wide audience during his lifetime, Drake’s work has gradually achieved wider notice and recognition; he now ranks among the most influential English singer-songwriters of the last 50 years. Drake signed to Island Records when he was 20 years old and released his debut album, Five Leaves Left, in 1969. By 1972, he had recorded two more albums—Bryter Layter and Pink Moon. None of the albums sold more than 5,000 copies on their initial release. His reluctance to perform live or be interviewed further... Read on...

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More songs by Nick Drake (See Charts): At The Chime Of A City Clock, Way To Blue, The Thoughts Of Mary Jane, Fruit Tree, Magic, Thoughts Of Mary Jane, Which Will, Northern Sky, and River Man.

Popular in Folk (See Charts): Blowin' In The Wind, Don'T Think Twice It'S Alright, Father And Son, Banana Boat Song, I Want You, Suzanne, The Blower'S Daughter, Vincent, Positively 4th Street, and Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands.


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