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Blow Up The Outside World
- Rock
- Grunge
- Metal
- Space
- Pop
- 1996
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 1997
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More songs by Soundgarden (See Charts): Like Suicide, Flower, My Wave, Loud Love, Superunknown, Big Dumb Sex, Mind Riot, Jesus Christ Pose, Hands All Over, and Slaves & Bulldozers.
Popular in Alternative Rock (See Charts): Paranoid Android, Under The Bridge, Clocks, Yellow, Fix You, Californication, What I'Ve Done, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Viva La Vida, and Times Like These.
Anonymous wrote on May, 21st 2008 at 12:21pm:
This is such a cool song - I don't think it's like most of the others on "Down On The Upside" - a little more 'melodic', maybe, on CD, & yet still hard-rocking live!!! The video is an amazing 'theatrical' showcase for Chris Cornell, kind of a departure for Soundgarden videos at the time (it was also considered somewhat controversial at the time - wow, how things have changed over the years... : ); I see the YouTube video on this page; it's definitely worth checking out!!!