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Pretty Noose
- Rock
- Grunge
- Metal
- Space
- Alternative
- 1996
- 2011
- 1994
- 1986
- 1997
Popularity on the Web
Most votes come from Australia,
United States,
Czech Republic, and
More songs by Soundgarden (See Charts): Like Suicide, Flower, My Wave, Loud Love, Superunknown, Blow Up The Outside World, Big Dumb Sex, Mind Riot, Jesus Christ Pose, and Hands All Over.
Popular in Alternative Rock (See Charts): Paranoid Android, Under The Bridge, Clocks, Yellow, Fix You, Californication, What I'Ve Done, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Viva La Vida, and Times Like These.
Anonymous wrote on May, 17th 2008 at 10:27pm:
'Pretty Noose' made it to SG's A-Sides...sentimental value for me, too; Chris Cornell actually played this for our 'on the rail' group during his encore on a recent solo tour, trashing the intended set list, just because we had signs requesting that he play it - & he did!!! Gotta love a (great) musician who loves his fans right back ; )