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Best of Audience

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Audience is a cult British art rock band which existed between 1969 and 1972, and reformed in 2004. The original band consisted of Howard Werth (born Howard Alexander Werth, 26 March 1947, The Mother’s Hospital, Clapton, East London) on nylon-strung electric acoustic guitar and vocals, Keith Gemmell (born Keith William Gemmell, 15 February 1948, Hackney Hospital, Hackney, East London) on tenor and alto sax, flute and clarinet, bass guitarist and vocalist Trevor Williams (born Trevor Leslie Williams, 19 January 1945, Hereford General Hospital, Hereford, Herefordshire, and drummer/vocalist Tony Connor (born Anthony John Connor, 6 April 1947, Romford, Havering). Read on...

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