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Best of Avenged Sevenfold

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Avenged Sevenfold is an American rock band from Huntington Beach, California. Formed in 1999, the group consists of vocalist M. Shadows, lead guitarist Synyster Gates, rhythm guitarist Zacky Vengeance, bassist Johnny Christ. They are known for their diverse heavy metal sound, dramatic imagery in album covers and t-shirts and their fiercely loyal fans. Avenged Sevenfold emerged with a metalcore sound on their debut Sounding the Seventh Trumpet but their style had evolved by their third album and first major label release, City of Evil into a hard rock sound. The band continued to explore new sounds with their self-titled release and enjoyed continued mainstream success before their drummer, James “The Rev” Sullivan, died in 2009. Despite his death, the band continued on with help of... Read on...

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