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Best of Fall Out Boy

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Fall Out Boy is a Grammy-nominated American rock band from Wilmette, Illinois, formed in 2001. The band consists of vocalist/rhythm guitarist Patrick Stump, lead guitarist Joe Trohman, bassist Pete Wentz, and drummer Andy Hurley. The band released five albums from 2003–2008, and were deemed inactive as of 2009. Fall Out Boy was ranked the 93rd Best Artist of the 2000–10 decade by Billboard. With Pete Wentz as the band’s primary lyricist and Patrick Stump as the primary composer, Fall Out Boy reached mainstream success with its major label debut, From Under the Cork Tree. Released in 2005, the album won several awards and achieved double platinum status after selling more than 2.5 million albums in the United States alone. To support the album, the band headlined tours around the... Read on...

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