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Best of Golden Earring

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Golden Earring are a Dutch rock band, founded in 1961 in The Hague as the Golden Earrings (the ‘s’ was dropped in 1969). They had international chart success with the songs “Radar Love” in 1973, “Twilight Zone” in 1982, and “When The Lady Smiles” in 1984. In their home country, they had over 40 hits and made over 30 gold and platinum albums. Current members of Golden Earring are Barry Hay (vocals, guitar, flute and saxophone, member since 1968), George Kooymans (vocals and guitar, founder of band), Rinus Gerritsen (bass and keyboard, founding member), and Cesar Zuiderwijk (drums and percussion, member since 1970). Golden Earring have sold millions of albums worldwide, and they are one of the longest existing rock bands in the world that are currently performing in the same... Read on...

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