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Best of Oceanic

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Oceanic were a two-member 1990s house/techno group from Liverpool, England, most famous for the dance hit song, “Insanity”, which was released in 1991). This was the group’s biggest commercial success, reaching number 3 in the UK Singles Chart for three weeks. The track also made the Australian Top 20. Later that year they released the follow-up, “Wicked Love”, which reached number 24 in the UK chart. In 1992 the act released their first and only album, entitled That Compact Disc By Oceanic, (also, That Cassette/LP By Oceanic for the audio cassette/LP versions respectively) which featured two different versions of “Insanity”, and reached a chart position of number 49 before dropping out of the UK Albums Chart after only 2 weeks. A third single, “Controlling Me”, made... Read on...

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