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Best of Ozzy Osbourne

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John Michael “Ozzy” Osbourne (born 3 December 1948) is an English singer-songwriter and occasional actor, whose career has spanned over 40 years. As of December 2010, Osbourne has sold over 100 million albums worldwide. Osbourne rose to prominence as lead vocalist of the pioneering English heavy metal band Black Sabbath, a band whose radically different, intentionally dark, doom sound spawned the heavy metal genre. In his subsequent solo career Osbourne achieved a multi-platinum status in addition to the one he had earned with Black Sabbath. These things are what led Osbourne to become known as the “Godfather of Heavy Metal”. It was during his Sabbath days that, due to their dark style of music, Osbourne became known as the “Prince of Darkness”. Osbourne has over 15... Read on...

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